I place here some useful codes or tools that may be of interest to others in the community.

I have been working on creating some interactive atmospheric models for use in a teaching context. These models are based on a very simple multi-layer radiative model, which solves for the equilibrium temperature of the surface and a number of atmospheric layers, each with a given long-wave emissivity. These include:
- N-layer radiative-equilibrum model: Solves for the equilibrium temperature of up to six atmospheric layers coupled only by radiation.
- Ice-albedo model: Uses a temperature dependent albedo to show hysteresis in a simple one-layer radiative model.
- Simple radiative-convective model: Includes a simple parameterization of convection (in the form of a maximum lapse-rate) in a two-layer radiative model.

In collaboration with Tim Cronin, I have also been developing a web interface for the MIT column climate model maintained by Kerry Emanuel. The model is described in Emanuel and Zivkovic-Rothman, 1999: "Development and Evaluation of a Convection Scheme for Use in Climate Models", J. Atm. Sci., 56, 1766-1782. You can run it by clicking the "Column RC" tab above.

Code for the "Zero-buoyancy plume model" as used in our recent paper on CAPE in radiative-convective equilibrium. The model is implemented in MATLAB.