Lecture notes on the general circulation of the atmosphere
I have developed a set of lecture notes for my honours-level class General Circulation of the Atmosphere. Over eight chapters, the notes cover topics including the governing equations for large-scale atmospheric flow, the Hadley Cell, the angular momentum budget of the atmosphere, and some basic eddy-mean flow interaction theory. Please feel free to use them as a teaching aid!
Units taught
EAE4022/EAE5022: General circulation of the atmosphere (2018, 2019, 2020)
Postgraduate class covering topics on the general circulation of the atmosphere including basic analysis techniques, the angular-momentum budget, jet formation, the Hadley cell, Eliassen-Palm fluxes & the transformed Eulerian mean. To see the course notes for this class, go to the course website.
EAE2122: Introduction to atmospheric physics and dynamics (2017, 2018)
Second-year undergraduate unit covering basic topics in atmospheric science including thermodynamics, stability and conditional instability, severe convection, fronts & cyclones. Further details may be found in the undergraduate handbook.